OLIVIE TIPS: Our best tips for getting your baby to sleep right now ^^!* 1 / Avoid eye contact The last thing you can do before bedtime is to excite your baby. A prolonged or animated eye contact with you is one of the most stimulating things for your little love. So, look away when Continue Reading
Olive oil and skin In humans, the aging process causes a progressive structural and functional deterioration of the skin. The thinning of the dermis and epidermis, the loss of elastic fibers, the flattening of the dermal-epidermal union, fibrosis with accumulation of collagen, the loss of defensive and restorative capacities of the skin are some of Continue Reading
OLIVIE BABY / KIDS TIPS: “Playing with your baby is important for baby but also for mom and dad.” It is clear that it is not necessary to be a genius of fun to distract Baby. Nothing more simple, finally. Just present him with any object to make him wonder. But even if nature is Continue Reading
OLIVIE BABY/KIDS:Healthy cooking recipe for babies from 12 months old! “Tian” vegetables with olive oil, lamb and basil ingredients For 1 serving 80g of zucchini** 30g of eggplant** 80g of tomato 30g of lamb 1 teaspoon of olive oil OLIVIE BABY/KIDS 1 leaf of basil garlic*** Preparation Wash, peel, seed and cut into pieces zucchini, Continue Reading
Snoring during pregnancy would double the risk of Caesarean What if your snoring could affect your baby’s health? In any case, this is what scientists at the University of Michigan (USA) claim. To reach this conclusion, they studied the cases of 1673 pregnant women. Of the volunteers, 35% reported snoring frequently during pregnancy. The researchers Continue Reading
OLIVIE BABY/KIDS TIPS: Sleeping children earlier to prevent obesity? An American study shows that advancing children’s bedtime can help them not gain too much weight. Fast food, TV and soft drinks are not the only factors to be blamed when it comes to childhood obesity, experts note. The lack of sleep is also to be Continue Reading
Diabetes: what can we really eat ?* The antidiabetic diet is not a drastic diet. It is often enough to know the virtues on blood glucose of certain foods. True / False to make no mistake. Never sugar! False Certainly, the control of sugar intake is necessary to balance his diabetes, but carbohydrates are essential Continue Reading
– OLIVIE BABY/KIDS Tips – Video Games: Playing less than an hour a day would be beneficial for children Playing video games on short daily periods would have a positive impact on children’s development, according to a British study. But beyond three hours, the effect is reversed. Playing video games for more than three hours Continue Reading